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VeloSolex Classic Motorcycles

Solex was a French manufacturer of carburetors and the powered bicycle VeloSoleX. The Solex company was founded by Marcel Mennesson and Maurice Goudard to manufacture vehicle radiators. These were fitted to several makes of early cars including Delauney-Belleville and buses of the Paris General Omnibus company.

After World War I the radiator business went into decline and the company bought the rights to the carburettor patents of Jouffret and Renée and named them Solex after their business.

Bike Image Description
1950 Velosolex 45 1950 Velosolex 45

Image provided courtesey of

1950 Velosolex Auto Cycle 1950 Velosolex Auto Cycle
1952 Velosolex Model 600 1952 Velosolex Model 600 French cyclemotor
1953 Solex 45 Solex 45 The Velosolex 45 was sold from may 1946 to august 1953. As early as 1947, Velosolex asked the BP petroleum company to research a special mixture for the velosolex 45cc for maximum optimization of the motor.

It should be pointed out that the BP service stations already sold the “Energic” and “Energol” mixtures for the other motorbikes.

Solexine was sold in filled and sealed 2 liter yellow cans (the yellow color lasted until 1957), and also at the pump in the BP service stations.

1956 Velosolex 660 1956 Velosolex 660
1958 Velosolex 1010 1958 Velosolex 1010

The Velosolex was introduced right after World War 2.

Like the Italian Lambrettas and Vespas in the scooter world, the Velosolex set the highest standard in its genre, and remained the market leader for cyclomoteurs throughout its production run.

This particular one is a beautiful Velosolex 1010, the same type used in Mon Oncle, which came out in the same year.

1963 Velosolex 2200 1963 Velosolex 2200 50cc
1964 Velosolex 3800 1964 Velosolex 3800

I believe this solex was imported and registered in the UK in 2000.

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1966 Velosolex S3800 1966 Velosolex

This powered bicycle was invented in France in 1946 as low cost reliable transport - its very economical at more than 200 mpg with a top speed of about 23 mph and great fun to ride.

1966 Velosolex 3800 1966 Velosolex 3800 1960's French Solex moped, 49cc. For those of you not familiar with French Solex mopeds, the front tyre is friction driven by a roller which is in turn powered by the small drop down engine above the front wheel. The engine is started by simply pedalling.
1967 Velosolex 3800, 50cc 1967 Velosolex 3800, 50cc
1970 Velo Solex 1970 Velo Solex
1973 Velosolex Autocycle, 49cc 1973 Velo Solex, 49cc
1974 Velosolex 5000 1974 Velosolex 5000
1975 Velosolex 5000 Velosolex Image provided by
1977 Velosolex 4600 1977 Velosolex 4600  
1978 Velosolex 4600 1978 Velosolex 4600 More Velosolex 4600 information.
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