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Welcome to our motorcycle product review section. From motorcycle accessories, clothing, DVD's and books to boots and helmets. Feel free to rate and review any motorcycle product - let us have your views. We are using the forum database as a means of registering reviewers. This does not imply that you need to use the forum or become a member as such. Similarly forums members who want to review and rate can use the same logon. We require this registration because we believe that the reviews and ratings should be credible, that one person should rate a product only once and that reviewers should be bona-fide users of the products. Please register here.
category"; } $query = "SELECT * FROM prcat where active order by category"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed 1'); $iSpan=0; while ( $DOC = mysql_fetch_object( $result ) ) { $iSpan=$iSpan + 1; If ($iSpan>3){echo '' ; $iSpan=1;} $iCategoryID= "$DOC->category"; $sCategoryName= "$DOC->catname"; echo ''; } ?>
Product Review Categories
'; if($iCategoryID==$domCat){ echo 'new'; } echo ' Motorcycle '.$sCategoryName.' '; $querycnt = "SELECT COUNT(Item) AS numrows FROM prrev WHERE category =".$iCategoryID." and active"; $resultant = mysql_query($querycnt) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed 2'); $rowing = mysql_fetch_array($resultant, MYSQL_ASSOC); $iRecordcount = $rowing['numrows']; if ($iRecordcount > 0) { echo '('; echo $iRecordcount; echo ' reviews) '; } echo '
'; if ($BlnShowCategoryDescriptions=1) {echo $sCategoryDescription;}; echo '

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';} Else { echo '
'; $Result = mysql_query($sSQL); $my_var = 0; $mystr = 999999; $sFeatured = "ZZZ"; $j = 0; while ( $DOC = mysql_fetch_object( $Result )) { $iLinkID="$DOC->primkey"; $sLinkName="$DOC->Item"; $iCategoryID="$DOC->category"; $iRating="$DOC->editorsrating"; $sLinkDescription="$DOC->summary"; $dDate_Added="$DOC->date"; $sURL="$DOC->URL"; $simage="$DOC->image"; $sSQLcat="SELECT * FROM prcat WHERE category = $iCategoryID ;"; $Resultcat = mysql_query($sSQLcat); while ( $DOCcat = mysql_fetch_object( $Resultcat )) { $sCategoryName = $DOCcat->catname; } ?>
'.$sLinkName.'MSE Ratings
'; echo '

'; echo ''; if ($suppress != "NR"){ echo ''; } if ($DOC->Price < 0.01 ) { echo ''; } else { echo '';} $dayear = substr($dDate_Added,0,4); $damonth = substr($dDate_Added,5,2); $daday = substr($dDate_Added,8,2); $maydatets = mktime(0,0,0,$damonth,$daday,$dayear); $maydate = date("jS F Y", $maydatets); echo '
'; echo 'Read more '; echo 'Read the full review
price£'.$DOC->Price.' '.$DOC->pricequal.'
Added'; echo 'Date Added: '. $maydate.'
Source Source: '.$sURL.'
rate me Rate this item
review Review this item
'; echo '
'; // user rating $iratcnt = 0; $itotal = 0.0; $query3 = "SELECT * FROM prrat WHERE itempk =".$iLinkID." "; $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed'); while ( $DOC3 = mysql_fetch_object( $result3 )) { $iratcnt = $iratcnt + 1; $itotal = $itotal + $DOC3->rating; } $daverage = number_format ($itotal / $iratcnt , 2); echo ''; if ($iratcnt > 0) { echo '';} if ($iratcnt < 1) { echo '';} $query4 = "SELECT * FROM prurev WHERE ID =".$iLinkID." "; $iratcnt = 0; $result4 = mysql_query($query4) or die('Error!!!!!!, query failed'); while ( $DOC4 = mysql_fetch_object( $result4 )) { $iratcnt = $iratcnt + 1; } echo ''; if ($iratcnt > 0) { if ($suppress != "NR"){ echo ''; } } else { echo '';} echo '
Editor ratingEditors rating:- '.$iRating.' '; $ir10 = $iRating * 10; $counter = 1; while ( $counter <= $ir10 ) { if ($counter == 10 || $counter == 20 || $counter == 30 || $counter == 40){ echo '';} else { echo '';} $counter = $counter + 1; } echo '
members'; if ($iratcnt > 0){ echo 'Members rating:- '.$daverage.'';} else { echo 'No votes';} echo ''; $ir10 = $daverage * 10; $counter = 1; while ( $counter <= $ir10 ) { if ($counter == 10 || $counter == 20 || $counter == 30 || $counter == 40){ echo '';} else { echo '';} $counter = $counter + 1; } echo '
From '.$iratcnt.' votes
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ReviewTotal member reviews'.$iratcnt.'
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'; echo '
'; ?> '; } } ?>
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